
My Deepest Thinkings

I often think of you, my dearest friend, as I sit here and write this letter. You are not here to read it, but I am. I am so grateful for the lessons you have taught me, the laughter we have shared, and the moments of connection we have experienced. You have been a part of my life for so long, and I have loved you with all my heart.

But now, as I sit and think of you, I feel a deep sense of sadness. I miss you so much. You are not here to remind me of our plans for the future, or to share in our laughter or tears. You are not here to remind me of the good times we have shared together. You are not here to provide me with a source of comfort and support.

I know that you are with me in my thoughts, but I cannot bring you back to life. I cannot force you to join us again. I just want you to know that I love you, and that I will always remember the good times we have shared. The memories we have created will always be with me, and I will treasure them until the end of my days.

You were a great friend, my dear friend, and I will always be grateful for your presence in my life. I hope that we can continue to connect in some way, even if it is just through words on a page. I hope that we can continue to share in each other’s lives, even if it is just through our thoughts and emotions. I hope that we can continue to learn from each other, and to grow as individuals and as a community.

I close my eyes and feel your hand温暖着我的键盘, and I feel a sense of peace and comfort. I know that you are always with me, and that our friendship will never end. I深深地想你, my dear friend.

